Scroll down to view Steve Madden’s featured photos for July through September 2023.

All photos in this collection are copyright 2023 Steven L Madden.

SFP928 September 28 2023

High Ground Gun

Big guns like this remain atop rock-strewn Kennesaw Mountain where Confederates repelled Union troops under the command of Major General William Sherman in June 1864.

Although Rebels under General Joseph Johnston withstood the Kennesaw Mountain attack on June 27, their victory failed to halt Sherman’s advance on Atlanta during a crucial Civil War campaign.

Atlanta’s skyline is visible from the rocky heights in Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park.

SFP925 September 25 2023

Healing Effect

Hobbled a bit after a recent accident, I intended to rest today. A friend invited me to walk with her, and I went along.

It was the right decision. Walking at Seven Islands State Birding Park produced a healing effect in my body and spirit.

SFP922 September 22 2023

Fire Ranger’s View

By 1970, technology eliminated the need for a ranger to man Mount Cammerer Fire Tower.

Previously, the fire ranger on duty constantly scanned these mountain ridges within his horizon.

On a good day, the ranger saw no actual smoke from his “office” high in the Smoky Mountains.

SFP913 September 13 2023

Hot Springs NC

Hot Springs business owners are expert at welcoming AT thru hikers and tourists to their lovely mountain town.

I began my visit with an invigorating climb from the French Broad River to a rocky outcropping called Lovers Leap.

I ended the day walking beside Big Laurel Creek where I relished this early evening scene.

SFP909 September 9 2023

Fort Dickerson Overlook

I guided a West Knoxville friend on a hiking tour of South Knoxville. Highlights of our seven mile trek included Meads Quarry Lake, Fort Dickerson and High Ground Park.

This was our view of Augusta Quarry Lake from the overlook at the entrance to Fort Dickerson Park.

SFP830 August 30 2023

Clear Creek

I walked about two miles along Clear Creek from Lenoir Museum in Norris Dam State Park near Rocky Top Tennessee.

The absence of flowering plants made me more aware of the stream I walked beside. I understand better why it is called Clear Creek.

SFP821 August 21 2023

Refreshing Fun

We acted like teenagers at Cummins Falls on a 90-degree day.

Our trek from Cummins Falls State Park visitors center to the base of the waterfall was somewhat treacherous. After clambering over countless precarious rocks, we enjoyed hours of refreshing fun among the watery terraces.

SFP815 August 15 2023

Suddenly Dangerous

Cherohala Skyway was blocked by a Forest Service vehicle, and I learned from a Tellico Plains Police officer that a section of road washed away overnight. I will not see Bald River Falls any time soon.

The gravel road to Conasauga Falls trailhead was impassable for my Explorer SUV. The paved road leading to a farmer’s market was flooded by Sink Hole Creek that today resembled a broad river.

I explored Tellico Plains: captured photos; walked a greenway beside a corn field; watched locals remove flood-damaged goods from their shops; and listened to concerns about families trapped beyond suddenly-dangerous Tellico River.

God help them!

SFP806 August 6 2023

Ocean Waves?

While negotiating a steep AT descent into Hot Springs NC, we came upon this view of the river far below. The scene reminded me of rolling waves I saw as a child along the Atlantic Ocean.

In this case, the parallel “waves” were shoals that stretched the width of the French Broad River. Broad indeed, and beautiful!

SFP804 August 4 2023

Unmatched Exterior

This structure grabbed my attention as I drove through Johnson City TN to a conference for Appalachian Trail hiking enthusiasts.

St. John’s Episcopal Church features an exterior of unparalleled stone work. Its unmatched beauty makes me wonder about the church’s interior.

SFP804a August 4 2023

River Rocks

The Episcopal church in Johnson City TN is covered with smooth and irregularly-sized river rocks. Consider the skill of stone masons who accomplished this work in 1905.

The moon emerged from behind clouds as I snapped this photo just before 6:30am.

SFP730 July 30 2023

St. Elizabeth’s Church

I often visit Norwood, a Cincinnati Ohio neighborhood.

When in Norwood on Sunday, I visit this Byzantine basilica-style church with its 60-foot domed ceilings and ethereal stained glass imported 120 years ago from Germany.

The celestial sanctuary reminds me of Psalm 122: “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.”

SFP730a July 30 2023

Elizabeth’s Miracle

This is one of many awe-inspiring windows inside St. Elizabeth’s (now Vineyard Central Church) in Norwood Ohio.

After you study its central subject, notice the upper left and right panes of this magnificent work of art. Flowers in those two panes symbolize Elizabeth’s miracle of bread transforming to Roses.

SFP709 July 9 2023

Lazy Day

David reminded me of a Spanky & Our Gang song called Lazy Day. It was that kind of Sunday for me.

Likewise for Rollo whom I saw hammocking early evening at Augusta Quarry Lake in South Knoxville Tennessee.

SFP707 July 7 2023

Glitterville Studios

I noticed this store front at the south end of Broadway Viaduct in my hometown of Knoxville Tennessee.

I was out early and the studios were not yet open for the day. Their website makes me want to shop there. It looks like an enchanting place.

SFP704 July 4 2023

Emerald Green

This is a view of Norris Lake and Lake Trail’s pedestrian bridge from Dark Hollow Trail at Big Ridge State Park.

Each time I hike at Big Ridge, I am struck by the emerald green water of Norris Lake.

SFP704a July 4 2023

Paranormal Enthusiasts

I met Rachel and Todd on July 4 along Ghost House Trail at Big Ridge State Park near Andersonville Tennessee. We walked together to the site of the Ghost House where the Hutchinson family lived in the 1800s.

Todd and Rachel set up equipment to detect any ghosts. A few minutes later, they were elated when a device sounded (“That’s the first time ever!” Rachel exclaimed) indicating a ghost was present at the site.

I decided it was time to continue my hike.


January - March 2024 Featured Photos


October - December 2023 Featured Photos