Scroll down to view Steve Madden’s featured photos for January through March 2024.

All photos in this collection are copyright 2024 Steven L Madden.

SFP323 March 23 2024

Just After Sunset

The setting sun painted this South Knoxville masterpiece at 7:45 the fourth Saturday in March.

SFP323a March 23 2024

Just After Moonrise

The setting sun behind me painted trees reddish orange just after the moon rose in my South Knoxville neighborhood.

This eastern sky image appeared simultaneously with the western sky sunset featured in the photo above.

SFP317 March 17 2024

Terrific Trillium

This terrific flower is a Red Trillium.

I saw at least a dozen wildflower species today at Frozen Head State Park near Wartburg TN.

  • Bloodroot

  • Common Blue Violet

  • Geranium

  • Hepatica

  • Red Trillium

  • Rue Anemone

  • Spring Beauty

  • Toadshade Trillium

  • Toothwort

  • Trout Lily

  • Yellow Trillium

  • Yellow Violet

SFP315 March 15 2024


A look inside an emerging Ephemeral was illuminating.

Countless three-leafed flowers lined the trails today at Ijams Nature Center. A select few were as advanced and colorful as this Yellow Trillium.

SFP315a March 15 2024

Yearn To Learn

I yearn to learn the name of this lavender-colored flower.

I discovered the plant where privileged children attend Nature Preschool at Ijams Nature Center.

SFP315b March 15 2024

Lavish Leaves Last Longer

Exquisite white flowers adorn Bloodroot plants only a few days each Spring.

Thankfully, Bloodroot’s lavish leaves last much longer.

SFP315c March 15 2024

Baby Blues

What is this plant with baby blue flowers?

Google thinks it is Bugloss or Brunnera. It grows in a flower garden at Ijams Nature Center; I presume it is not native to East Tennessee.

SFP302 March 2 2024

Water Droplets Up Close

I strolled around UT Arboretum taking photos with my new Galaxy S24 camera.

I loved how water droplets enhanced this close up image.

SFP302a March 2 2024

Cheerful Blossoms

The small tree that produced countless pink and white blossoms was not identified like other trees at UT Arboretum in Oak Ridge TN.

I think it is a Cherry tree. It was a cheerful change from barren trees that predominated on this early Spring day.

SFP302b March 2 2024

Lovely Lenten Roses

One more featured photo from the first day I used my new Galaxy S24 camera.

These lovely Lenten Roses were featured near the visitor’s center at UT Arboretum in early March.

SFP216 February 16 2024

Fall Creek Falls

Rarely does Fall Creek Falls water flow exceed the volume David and I witnessed in mid-February.

Fall Creek Falls State Park features several impressive waterfalls, including this pair that are visible from an ADA-accessible overlook.

SFP216a February 16 2024

256 Feet Below

This is the bottom of Fall Creek Falls, 256 feet below where water rushes over the rocky ledge at Falls Creek Falls State Park.

SFP207 February 7 2024

Old Mail Road Bridge

This bridge across Byrd Creek is at the turn around point of Pioneer Trail at Cumberland Mountain State Park.

Like so many other structures at this Crossville TN park, Old Mail Road Bridge was constructed by Company 3464 of the Civilian Conservation Corps.

SFP206 February 6 2024

Through the Arches

Mill House Stone Cabin is visible through the arches at Cumberland Mountain State Park in Crossville TN.

Fourteen arches make up this dam that was constructed by CCC Company 3464 during the 1930s. Seven of the arches can be seen only from the back side of the dam.

SFP129 January 29 2024

Anglin Falls

On a Winter day when Russ and I visited three Kentucky waterfalls, this was my favorite. It is 75 foot Anglin Falls, and it is at its best during wet weather.

Anglin Falls Trails is in John B. Stephenson Memorial Forest, which is owned and managed by Berea College.

We noticed countless Hepatica plants during our Anglin Falls hike. I am eager to return when the trail is adorned by Spring wildflowers.

SFP126 January 26 2024

Finished Business

For two years, I longed to see this rock wall overhanging Bear Creek at Cloudland Canyon State Park near Trenton GA.

Even more, I wanted to finish hiking Bear Creek Trail, which requires hikers to ford the stream twice.

Unlike in January 2022, this Winter day I waded fast-flowing Bear Creek and finished the lollipop loop hike. I am pleased and proud to have done so.

SFP126a January 26 2024

Winter Falls Priority

My second priority today was to see Winter Falls across Cloudland Canyon from the east rim Overlook Trail.

Due to recent rain in northwest Georgia, Winter Falls and others at Cloudland Canyon were superlative, considering my waterfall-chasing exploits throughout the South.

SFP126b January 26 2024

Feel The Mist

The most splendid waterfall I visited this day, maybe ever, is Hemlock Falls.

After significant rain, Hemlock Falls is in a class all by itself. You must feel the mist to understand.

SFP115 January 15 2024

A Walk In The Snow

This is a bridge across Goose Creek in Mary Vestal Park.

When I left home wearing Lowa boots with YakTrax attached, I measured six inches of snow in my yard. When I returned hours later, at least two additional inches of snow had accumulated.

While trekking in South Woodlawn and Vestal neighborhoods, fresh and falling snow made me feel years younger.

SFP112 January 12 2024

Gorgeous and Glorious

Gorgeous clouds were made even more glorious by their reflection on the Tennessee River.

I alone was privileged to witness this amazing spectacle. No wonder I visit Ijams Nature Center at sunrise so often.

SFP112a January 12 2024

Row Your Boats

I walked cautiously along the frost-covered boardwalk at Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville TN when I saw three boats approaching from the west.

These long boats, each with eight rowers and a coxswain, were escorted by a motor boat with a passenger (likely Coach Kim Cupini) who instructed the University of Tennessee rowing team.

I was in the right place at the right time to observe their strength and grace.

SFP112b January 12 2024

Rowing Into the Sunrise

I turned to follow the University of Tennessee rowing team as they rowed further east on the Tennessee River, into a reflection of early morning sun.

SFP108 January 8 2024

Middle Prong

Hike about a half mile along Middle Prong Trail to reach this idyllic spot in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Rest on the bench and soak in the beauty of this stretch of Middle Prong.

SFP108a January 8 2024

Indian Flats Falls

Hike four miles along Middle Prong Trail, in the Great Smoky Mountains. Take the un-signed spur trail to the right to visit Indian Flats Falls, seen here on a sunny but cold Winter day.

SFP102 January 2 2024

Christmas Ferns

Green plants and fungi really stood out on this stark Winter day.

Rhododendron, Moss, Partridge Berry and Christmas Ferns, like these, provided welcome splashes of green as we hiked in the Cades Cove area of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

SFP102a January 2 2024

New Year’s Confetti

We saw patches of snow while hiking Lead Cove, Bote Mountain and Anthony Creek trails in the Smoky Mountains.

Some of the snow looked like this. Julie called it New Year’s confetti.

What a fun way to celebrate the New Year!


April - June 2024 Featured Photos


July - September 2023 Featured Photos